Moments to cherish
Moments to cherish
The birth of a child: a small bundle of happiness & love in your arms. You have been looking forward to this moment for such a long time; perhaps much longer than expected because a pregnancy was not self-evident. But now your baby is here and you enjoy the new life as a family.
The daily moments captured
But don’t forget the small details, like that tiny fist in your hands. The family picture should of course not be missing.
At your place
The best place for a lifestyle photo session is of course your home. Your living room, the baby room, all lovely places in the house where you like to be and make beautiful memories as a family. Are you afraid your house is too dark? No worries! As a photographer, I am able to take beautiful pictures in poor light situations as well.
Every moment is special
Be surprised
Investment baby lifestyle photography
Beautiful, pure and loving pictures of your newborn baby? Your first pictures as a new family? You can book a photosession with prices starting at € 250,-
Do you prefer an appointment on Saturday? For a Saturday, there is an additional weekend-fee of € 50,-. With the exception of weddings, I’m not available on Sunday so I can spend precious time with my family.
With a small mini-album- Lifestyle session of approx. 90 minutes at at your home
- 5 digital photos of your choice in high and low resolution
- The best 8-10 photos in a mini-album (15×15 cm, 8 pages)
Your favorite photos- Lifestyle session of approx. 90 minutes at at your home
- 20 digital photos of your choice in high and low resolution
- Beautiful photo-album (15×15 cm, 30 pages) with the very best photos of the shoot
The full package- Lifestyle session of approx. 90 minutes at at your home
- All* digital photos in high and low resolution
- Beautiful photo-album (20×20 cm, 30 pages) with the very best photos of the shoot
You will receive a minimum of 60 photos when you buy the “Connection” package.
Additional photos can be bought for € 20,- per digital photo>/p>
All prices include VAT. However, they are without travel expenses. €0,40 per kilometer. The first 25km are included in the prices of package “love” and “connection”